Why I became a Celebrant
I’m sure my journey to becoming a celebrant began like all of yours, with love. I fell in love with all things wedding when I got married and then less than a year later, I had the pleasure of being my sister’s maid of honour. I loved the planning, the excitement, the emotion of the day and of course the couples overwhelming happiness. It wasn’t until I gave birth to my first child (a few short weeks after my sister’s wedding) that I made the decision to transition myself out of the corporate world and follow that passion into becoming an Authorised Marriage Celebrant so i could be a part of the happiest days of peoples lives, when they marry or commit to one another, when they renew their love or when they welcome a new little life into the world.

My Background
As I mentioned I was in the corporate world, once I finished high school I started work as an administrator for a hire company and then a geotechnical lab. I had a brief stint in workers compensation before entering the world of medical administration. So, my organisational and administration skills are not too shabby.
My Love Story
I met my husband Brentan at the age of 19 when we were set up on a blind date. It’s going to sound like a bad romcom script but when we met at a local show day we sat down to have a chat and a drink when fireworks started lighting up the night sky. That night we made plans to meet up the following night and it was then I knew he was the one for me and I wasn’t one for believing in soul mates or fate before that night. We saw each other almost every day after that and 3 months later we moved in together. 4 years after that night my husband and I were travelling to the gold coast by car for a holiday when we stopped on the border of NSW and QLD at a place called Dangar Point. There is a lock bridge there and I said to him that I wished we had a padlock to add, that’s when he told me he had one and got down on one knee. He pulled out a beautiful antique style brass padlock that had our names engraved on it and hanging on the padlock was my beautiful engagement ring, he asked me to marry him and of course I said yes!

My Wedding Story
My Husband and I had our wedding outdoors in the grounds of a local park, we were married at sunset and had our reception in a gazebo lit up with fairy lights. We wrote our own vows which were incredibly heartfelt, they even made my tough as nails uncles shed a tear. My family and I completely DIY’d my big day including all the decorations, the flowers, even the food, it was so worth it because it made our wedding so personal to us and this is what I hope to give all of you, a wedding ceremony that is personal and has your love present in all parts of it.
My Family
I grew up in a huge family, my mum being 1 of 7 children and my dad being 1 of 8, yes that’s 15 aunts and uncles, you can only imagine how many cousins I have, I’ve lost count. Immediately I have my mum and dad who were high school sweethearts and are still going strong, they are my inspiration for my relationship and my life they are both incredible people individually and an incredible couple together. I have one sibling, my little sister who also married her high school sweetheart so I’m now lucky enough to also have a brother. My husband and I welcomed our first child, a baby girl, a year after our wedding and I have just had our second child, a baby boy, a few short weeks ago. I’m am blessed to be surrounded by love and family and our celebrations are always a big party filled of laughter and fun.

My Other Loves
Outside of my life as a mum and a celebrant I have a few other loves. I’m an avid animal lover, currently I have 3 dogs and a rainbow lorikeet but during my life I have had pet rabbits, tropical fish, ferrets I even volunteered for a ferret rescue for a little while. I also have a love of music, listening and playing, I love to hear the songs a couple have chosen for their wedding day or naming day, it adds such a personal touch and emotion to the ceremony. A new love of mine that i have recently discovered is motorcycling. My husband and I both have motorcycles and occasionally (when our children and schedules permit) we will go for a ride together.
( Pictured is my rescue dog, Axel )